
RT Tanner & Co Ltd

Batchelors Orders

The information that follows is all obtained from the surviving records of Hayle Mill Archive. (Reproduced by kind permission and copyright of Simon Barcham Green 2008). Copies of the letters are difficult to reproduce, links are available to surviving orders. The paper on which they are written and their age means that much of the writing is faint.

25 October 25 Oct 1893 order
Letter from J Batchelor & Sons to R.T.Tanner & Co
In reply to your kind enquiry re Lined Copy we are sorry we cannot alter the price of the quality we have been sending you viz 21/6, our list price for this is 24/6 and we have never sold to any one but yourselves below this price
We enclose sheet of retree which we will supply you with at 19/5.
We also enclose sheet of 30lb demy we have a job line of this about 10 reams which we can take 28/- pr ream for subject to your early acceptance of the whole or in part
As regards our order for wrappers we shall be pleased to expireat any orders you may send us but we shall be unable to order before the end of the yearbr Thanking you for kind enquiry
Trusting you are well believe me
Yours very Truly
J Batchelor & Son

7 November 1893 order 7th November
Letter from J Bachelor & Sons to R.T.Tanner & Co
Dear Sirs
We have today sent you the Ld Demy copy as ordered and for which we enclose invoice
We have disposed of sheets of the demy which we offered you, and have only 2 reams of this weight now left in stock
Yours very truly
J Batchelor & Sons

21 November 21 November 1893 order
Letter from J Batchelor & Sons to R.T.Tanner & Co
Messrs R T Tanner & Co, Salisbury Sqr, Fleet St, London
Dear Sirs
Will you please put in hand for us, to come in the first week in January 1894 the undermentioned Blue wrappers viz
5 cwt size 35" x 22¼"
5 cwt size 27" x 16¾"
to be quite equal in quality as sample enclosed herewith as previously supplied @ 22/- per cwt send to Pluckley Station S E Rly
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Son


19 January 19 Jan 1894 order
Messrs R.T.Tanner & Co
Dear Sir
Kindly let us hear when we may expect the blue wrappers ordered Nov 21 for delivery the first week of present month - as we are now running short
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Sons

22 February 22 Feb 1894 order
Messrs R.T.Tanner & Co, Salisbury Square, Fleet St. London
Dear Sir
In reply to your favour of yestereday re lined copy 22lbs. We have 3 or 4 reams of this of Retree in stock and which we can send you @ 19/5 per ream - as before for Retrees
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Sons

16 April 16 April 1894 order
Messrs R T Tanner & Co
Salisbury Sqr, Fleet St
Dear Sirs
Our Mr Batchelor will call in and see you tomorrow, Tuesday, with reference to your enquiry re Hand made Cm Ld orWove Fcap &c
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Son

20 April
20 Apr 1894 order Messrs R T Tanner & Co
Dear Sirs
In reply to yours I am sorry I was unable to call again on Tuesday as had only just time to save train. The moulds have not yet come to hand neither has the sample arrived yet as this is wanted in a great hurry kindly send on without delay or we shall not be able to deliver under 5 weeks.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
J Batchelor

30 April 30 Apr 1894 order
Messrs R T Tanner & Co
Dear Sir
We are in receipt of your order of the 27th inst for lined copy but we have not any in stock that we can send at 19/- per ream at present but we will put in hand and send in about a fortnight
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Sons

2 May 2 may 1894 order
Messrs R T Tanner & Co
Dear Sir
Will you please put in hand at once the undermentioned, and forward son as possible to Pluckley Station S E rly viz -
5 Rms Best White Sizing wrappers 19½" x 21" 65lbs/480
10 Rms 16¾" x 27 56/480
........as before kindly see these are fully up to the mark & equal to last supply also keep as red (sic) to the quantity named as favourable
Yours truly & oblige
Batchelor & Sons

4 May 4 may 1894 order
Messrs R T Tanner & Co,
Dear Sirs
In reply to yours of yesterday with reference to the Loan on order, we beg to say it will leave the Mill next Wednesday, so that you should receive it Thursday the 10th inst.
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Sons

12 May 12 may 1894 order
Messrs R T Tanner & Co
Dear Sirs
Re Loan 16 x 22
In reply to your favor of yesterday with regard to the 1½ Rm surplus on the above we regret having so much overmake on the sides as we at all times endeavour to keep as closely as possible to orders for any special makes of this description
We note your remarks as to charging the surplus as xx (double retree) and we will leave it with you to kindly do the best you can with it for us.
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Son

13 June 13 13 June 1894 order
Messrs R T Tanner & Co
Dear Sirs
In reply to yours dated the 8th inst re the 8 sheets loan paper
We beg to say we have looked fully into this matter and ......must be in error as the paper was sent in to you as charged. Our finisher counted this paper twice and further if you take the total weight of this paper which was 325 lbs and the weight of say 1 quire of the paper and make an average you will find there could not be this discreptancy you name
We find from our entries of this matter 6279 sheets made against which we have marked ... 99
sent out 60. 4. 8
Outsides in stock 1.3.2
total 6279.
We trust this will be satisfactory and that your binders will be able to find out their error
Yours faithfully
J Batchelor & Sons

22 June 22 June 1894 order
Messrs R T Tanner & Co
Dear Sirs
Replying to your letters of the 20th & 21st Re 8lb preto loan. We are sorry this unpleasant difference should have arisen and we can throw no more light upon it. We could understand ... reams of paper being 2 gm short but even then a man used to handling a ream of paper would detect it. The man who finished the paper ..... finisher man and has been used for years to counting Bank Notes and security papers ... included. Can your customer give us ... It is not the value of the few sheets of paper as we are quite willing for you to arrange that but if the reams were sent correct .. which we think was the case what has become of the deficiency
We are sending you 25/20 of dbl Fcap .. loan which we think will suite for the purpose of the enclosed sample a sheet of which we enclose with this
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Sons

23 July 23 July 1894 order
Messrs R T Tanner & Co
Salisbury Square
Dear Sirs
We are much obliged for your kind enquiry for samples for Blue Laid demi 30lb and Fcap and our Mr Batchelor will be in town tomorrow Tuesday and will call upon with these samples
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Sons

26 July 26 July 1894 order
Dear Sirs
We have sent you lined copy as per enclosed sample
Is this paper used in half sheets ? as we have 3/4 reams of half sheets for disposal if so and which we can send you
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Sons

27 July 27 July 1894 order
Dear Sirs
In reply to your enquiry for blue wove or laid or loan. We beg to say we have the following in stock and of which we have sent you samples per parcel post viz sample
1. 12 rms dble flcap loan 20lb @ 40/6 per ream sample
2. 4 Rms blue ld medium bank 13lb @ 28/6 per ream
3. 4 rms blue wove fcap 10lbs xx @ 10/- per ream 5% disct
We can send you any of the above if suitable for your requirements, on receipt of order
Yours faithfully
Batchelor & Sons

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